It struck me as odd that since I started blogging, I have yet to write a blog talking about accomplishing. Yes, most of my blog articles point to it, mention it, but is it not better to articulate it directly? What better time to talk about accomplishing stuff than when the air is fresh with resolutions, plans and good intentions.
We all have so many hopes and dreams and yet we spend most of our lives too busy to accomplish them. That is a paradox, in and of itself. If it’s my life dream or goal, what life am I living then if it has little or nothing to do with what I want to accomplish? That’s like wanting to get to heaven and not having the time of day to pray!
The reason the cycle continues is that we get practical and we get on with the task of doing despite how unfulfilled we may be. Living your dream is not necessarily about doing something crazy and outrageous, although that might be the case for you. For most of us not living our life fully might just be feeling general unhappiness, lack of direction or lack of traction. So what we need is to focus our attention on neglected aspects of our lives that are important to us or we need to be more effective, re-prioritize or re-energize.
So how do I go about making you be the best you can be? The book that is currently shaping my approach to coaching is Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest by Blanchard and Homan. I believe to be truly successful and happy you need to focus on using your strengths. First we establish or discover the right path, for you. Once we understand that, then we focus on what can make you more effective at achieving your goals. To achieve those goals, there is a lot that must take place like myth busting, obstacle removal, value alignment and truly accepting who we are.
Simple, right? The only problem is we soon fail when we are on our own. We loose momentum and since we are not accountable to anyone for our intentions we let them fizzle and die. So the value of a coach is that they are a trusted professional who listens and works with you realize your potential while holding you accountable.
Not everyone needs a coach, and certainly even people that do need a coach, don’t need one for everything. After all most of us are perfectly capable of changing a light bulb without calling a handy man. But for sure there are times when we feel on our own we have tried and failed or that the goal will be so gratifying to achieve we want to maximize our chance of success.
So, a happy new year to you and may you accomplish the goals that you have set for the coming year.